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Frequently Asked Questions: Families
Q. How do I sign up?
A. Study participation is only available to families working with an Early Intervention provider who is already enrolled in the study. Your Early Intervention provider will talk to you about your potential participation and connect you with your local research site.
Q. How long does the study take?
A. From the first assessment to the third and final assessment, study participation lasts approximately 9 months.
Q. What if I do not want to participate?
A. That is not a problem! Your child's current and future Early Intervention services will not be affected by this decision.
Q. What happens once I am enrolled?
A. Your local research site and Early Intervention provider will be in touch with you about the study timeline and any other important details!
Q. I have more questions about the study. Who should I ask?
A. Go to the "Contact Us" page and reach out to your local caregiver liaison.
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