Our Staff
Experts from sites across the country have come together to form the RISE research network.

The Massachusetts site is located at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston University, and UMass Chan Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. It is led by University of Massachusetts Boston professor Alice Carter, PhD.
The Michigan site is located at the MSU Autism Lab in East Lansing, Michigan. It is led by Michigan State University professor and RIT (Reciprocal Imitation Teaching) developer Brooke Ingersoll, PhD.
The Illinois site is located at the AARTS (Autism Assessment, Research, Treatment & Services) Center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. It is led by AARTS Center research director Allie Wainer, PhD.
The Washington site is located at the University of Washington READiLab in Seattle, Washington. It is led by University of Washington professor Wendy Stone, PhD.